In 1969 Peter Minet, founder of The Peter Minet Trust, passed to the Trust proceeds of the sale of property owned in South London, to be held by the Trustees subject to powers and provisions of the charitable trust set out in the Trust Deed. The Trust’s portfolio was managed by Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited and Investec Wealth & Investment Limited until March 2022.
The Board agreed a set of Investment Beliefs and Values in November 2020, incorporating its Environmental, Social and Governance values and, after a competitive process, selected Sarasin & Partners UK in 2021. Since 28 March 2022, Peter Minet Trust has been invested in Sarasin & Partners UK's Climate Active Fund and, during the period, the Trust continued to develop this partnership through meetings between Sarasin & Partners UK with our full Board and the Trust’s Finance, Risk and Investment Committee.
The Trustees have adopted a Total Return approach for the portfolio with the aim to produce sufficient income and capital growth to fund a programme of grants whilst at the same time safeguarding the value of the capital of the Trust on an inflation-adjusted basis. Currently, the Board’s approach is ‘medium-term managed decline’. Under an approach designed to be sustainable over the medium term, there will be some years where asset growth above inflation is larger or smaller than the amount of cash used for grants and expenses (or even in some cases there will be negative performance) and similarly here, just because total asset value has increased over one 12-month period doesn’t mean that the medium-term expectation is for the total asset value to fall.
Financial and administrative information
Our investment managers are Sarasin & Partners UK
Our auditors are RPG Crouch Chapman LLP
Our solicitors are Stone King LLP
Please use the links below to access our annual accounts.