Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions
When can apply for your next Open Fund round?Our eligibility, application stages and deadlines are now available here and you can apply for our next Open Round from 24 July 2025 when a link to our online form will be available.  Deadline for applications is 25 September 5pm. We open rounds for new applicants every 2-3 years but during this time continue to work with current multi-year funded partners. 
How many new funded partners will receive funding in the next Open Fund Round 3?We aim to fund around seven new partners in our next Open Round opening on 24 July 2025, who will receive funding for three years. We will open a further open round in 2027.
What chance do I have?In 2022, 39% of eligible charities were awarded a grant. In 2022, 44% of eligible charities were awarded a grant. In 2025 we are including applications from CICs Limited by Guarantee, as well as charities, for the first time so it is likely more organisations will apply. It is harder to predict this time but we will share learning as we go along. 
How many applied last time and what was the reason some were turned down?

Open Fund Round 1: March 2020: 

In March 2020, there were 29 applicants and 11 of these were shortlisted to Stage 2. After visits to 10 shortlisted, 7 grants were made. 39% of applicants that met our eligibility criteria, received a grant. 

Open Fund Round 2: January 2022: 

In 2022, there were 26 applicants and 11 of these were shortlisted to Stage 2.  After visits to 11 of those shortlisted, 8 grants were made. 44% of applicants that met our eligibility criteria received a grant. 

Reasons for turning down:

The main reason applicants were rejected at Stage 1 was because they didn't meet our eligibility criteria - in the majority of cases this was either because annual incomes were above or below our guidance, or a significant proportion of their work was outside Lambeth or Southwark. 

For some applicants that were eligible, the reason for turning down was that they were not as strong as others around their organisations' vision and planning and we felt some aspects of their governance needed strengthening for Peter Minet Trust to award a large, unrestricted grant. 

Why are you funding Black-led organisations? 

'In recent years, our reflections, combined with the sobering realities brought to light by events such as the murder of George Floyd, the disproportionate impacts of Covid-19 on racially minoritised groups, and the global calls for racial justice, have further sharpened our focus. After months of careful consideration, learning and strategic planning, we have made the deliberate and important decision to direct our funding to Black-led organisations in Lambeth and Southwark'  Tracey Fletcher,  Chair. Read our full Chair's Message here.

By Black-led charities, we mean charities that are primarily led by Trustees and staff identifying as Black, African, Caribbean, Black British or Any Other Black, African or Caribbean background (more than half of Trustees and more than half of staff).

We recognise the diversity of individual identities and lived experiences and reflect on our language all the time - please email us if you have any reflections you'd like to share. 

I received a grant in Open Fund Rounds 1 or 2 - can I apply again?Funded partners from Round 1 can apply again if they meet our eligibility criteria.  Round 2 partners are funded by Peter Minet until Sep 2026 and so will not be eligible to apply in our 2025 round. 
How many Open Fund grants did you make in 2020 and 2022?In March 2020, we awarded 6 three-year grants of £30,000pa and 1 one-off grants. In June 2022, we awarded 7 three-year grants of £25,000-£30,000 pa and 1 one-off grant. You can read about these awards here. You also download a spreadsheet of all our Open and Strategic Grants here.
Can I download your Strategy 2025-2028 as a single document?Strategy 2025-2028 is available here on our website, but also here as a pdf
What do you mean by 'good governance' ?

By good governance we mean that:

you have at least 3 non-related Trustees or Directors on the Board (and also meet minimum requirements set out in your deed, constitution or governing structure)

you know your strengths and challenges

you have a vision for your organisation's future

you have appropriate policies in place including Safeguarding, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Conflict of Interest, reviewed in the last 12 month - and procedures for managing these

you have efficient financial and budget monitoring procedures, including a policy for agreeing pay

you have good decision-making and operational processes including regular board meetings

We know there are organisations that need support to develop good governance but, as a small funder, we don't currently have the resources to develop this with organisations. As a small funder awarding large unrestricted grants, we look for organisations with good governance in place already.

Can I submit my application by video or audio?We don't currently have the storage to manage this but when you apply, you can email us links to any videos you have already about your organisation. If you find our online form challenging in some way, please email us your questions.
Why aren't you funding places of worship?We  know that there are many programmes that benefit the whole community run by some places of worship for people of any faith or no faith. However, we give unrestricted grants and so don't fund places of worship as some of their work is for people of one particular faith, rather than the whole community eg: prayer services.   
If I'm unsuccessful either at the first or second stage, can I re-apply?Yes, if you're not successful at either stage, you can re-apply in future rounds. We will be giving feedback if you're not successful and we hope that will help you to work out whether you want to re-apply again.
How does Peter Minet Trust make decisions on grants?

The Director reviews applications to check that they meet our eligibility criteria and then the Board and Director review the application form, annual accounts  and other information publicly available (like a website) contacting the organisation if something is not clear. The Trustees review all the applications at a Board meeting, looking at how they meet Peter Minet Trust's priorities outlined in our eligibility list. Trustees have a range of lived experience and professional experience, including with charities and voluntary groups. We then agree on a shortlist of organisations who are invited to complete a Stage 2 form, and a visit by a Board member and the Director is arranged. Final decisions are made at a second Board meeting with feedback given to applicants that are not awarded a grant. 

We are developing how we make decisions all the time and will share any changes here. 

Why aren't you funding nurseries, schools and other educational institutions?We have limited funds and have had to focus. We also know there are some other local funders that support work in schools. We support charities that are working with young people, but not the nurseries, schools, institutions or Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) themselves. 
I have another question?Please email us your question. We'll be up-dating this list of questions and answers as often as we can.