Vision, Strategic Aims, Values
Bright Centres
Leaders and members of funded partner, Bright Centres, 

Our vision

Black-led community organisations in Lambeth and Southwark have power, agency and funding to drive positive change in their communities 

What we do

We offer funding to Black-led organisations, we collaborate to create a more equitable society in Lambeth and Southwark, and we manage our investments responsibly

Our strategic aims:

  1. Our grantmaking - enhance accessibility, fairness and impact of our funding
  2. Our work with others in Lambeth and Southwark – strengthen the local ecosystem of support
  3. Our investment policy - strengthen financial stewardship and resilience for sustainable impact

Our strategic aims are underpinned by our people, our governance and our operations, including Board leadership and management, risk management, financial management and training.  

You can read more about our strategic aims here and our open fund and how to apply here.

CEF Lyncx young people
Service users at CEF Lyncx's GreenHut, a funded partner

Our Values

  • Community - we take time to listen to the lived experiences of local communities to shape our grantmaking and match the needs of our existing and future partners
  • Learning - we commit to a culture where we seek better to understand the expertise of our funded partners, share our knowledge creatively, are open to change and challenge ourselves continually to identify and address our biases
  • Trust - we build trust through active listening, responding compassionately and flexibly, being transparent in our decisions and accessible to our funded partners
  • Social Justice - we are proactive in challenging systems of oppression that have created and continue to create inequity for our partners

Black-led organisations: by this we mean UK Registered charities or Community Interest Companies (CICs) Limited by Guarantee that are primarily led by Trustees, Directors and staff identifying as Black, African, Caribbean, Black British or Any Other Black, African or Caribbean background (more than half of Trustees or Directors, and more than half of staff)